Sunday, April 8, 2012

Prepay CPA: Taking Care of Your Tax and Financial Needs ...

Death and taxes are the only two things that are certain in this world ? that is according to Benjamin Franklin. We cannot do anything about death but we can alleviate the effects of taxes or at least reduce it to its lowest possible ? that?s where Prepay CPA comes in.

From a business opportunity seeker point of view, Prepay CPA is a home business headquartered in Delaware. Basically, Prepay CPA provides specialize tax and audit services for both private clients and commercial establishments. Some of the tax and audit services, Prepay CPA offers include tax return review, audit protection, liens and levies arrangements, basic incorporations and addressing other Internal Revenue Service (IRS) concerns.

In order to guarantee the excellence and quality of its services, Prepay CPA employs only the best of the best in the tax and auditing field. Prepay CPA is fueled by professionals who have proven their expertise in their respective fields.

Likewise, Prepay CPA also provides an opportunity for home based entrepreneurs and network marketers to capitalize on the tax and auditing needs of people in exchange of hefty commissions and bonuses.

As mentioned above, Prepay CPA employs only the best of the best with that, it?s quite obvious that the bright minds and the leaders of the company are no pushovers.

David Track, a veteran network marketers and direct selling entrepreneur, is the founder and current president of Prepay CPA. Mr. Track?s rich experience in the field of network marketing and direct selling blended well with Prepay CPA?s unique business concept.

Among Mr. Track?s accomplishments include starting the first social network site for network marketers and building and profiting from several highly successful business ventures.

Bruce Toone, the Chief Finance Officer (CFO) and director of Prepay CPA, is an experienced and expert accountant who oversees the entire tax preparation process. Mr. Toone boasts an accounting degree from the University of South Carolina and a finance degree from the University of Maryland.

The third brainchild behind Prepay CPA is Josh Rosenbaum, an entrepreneur who has built and managed business over the last 15 years. Mr. Rosenbaum serves as Prepay CPA?s Chairman and Chief Operating Officer.

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