The Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB) announces the 2012 annual Graduate Student Research Award competition. The purpose of these awards is to assist students in the initiation (FIRST TWO YEARS) of their systematics projects and in the collection of preliminary data to pursue additional sources of support (e.g., Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants from the National Science Foundation) or to enhance dissertation research (e.g., by visiting additional field collection sites or museums). Applicants may be from any country, but must be members of SSB, and are advised to join the Society as soon as possible to facilitate their applications (to join go to: Previous awardees may not re-apply, but previous applicants who were not selected for funding are encouraged to re-apply. Awards range between $1,200 ? $2000 and approximately 10 ? 15 awards will be made.
How to Apply:
applicants must submit
1. a curriculum vitae (one page)
2. brief research proposal including objectives, methods, significance, and schedule (max. three single-spaced pages including literature cited and any figures and tables)
3. budget and budget justification (1 page)
4. and arrange for two reference letters; one letter must
be from the student?s current graduate advisor.
All application materials must be in electronic format. Applicants and those writing reference letters are required to use pdf format to minimize difficulties in file transfer. Applicants should send all materials (except reference letters) in a SINGLE pdf file. Letters of reference should be sent separately by the referees in pdf format or in the text of an e-mail; please include the FULL NAME OF APPLICANT in reference letters.
Please email all application materials and queries to SSB Awards Committee (Chair, Sydney Cameron) at ssb-apps [at] life.illinois [dot] edu. IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF THE E-MAIL, PLEASE INDICATE ?Student Research? FOLLOWED BY FIRST INITIAL AND LAST NAME.
To be considered for this year?s award, application materials, INCLUDING letters of recommendation, must be received electronically no later than March 31, 2012.
Please see the SSB website ( for additional details of this award. Questions via email may be addressed to Rhiannon Peery (ssb-apps [at] life.illinois [dot] edu).
Rhiannon Peery
PhD Candidate in the lab of Stephen Downie
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Plant Biology
265 Morrill Hall
505 S Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801-3707
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