Notice that they refer to the Sudanese as "migrants," and not as "immigrants."
If American politicians and journalists got wind of this, they would likely ask that the Sudanese infiltrators, excuse me, "refugees", be sent to the United States so that the ethnic balance of Israel can be maintained and the "refugees" can have all the opportunities that come with living in a first-world country.
The ethnic balance of some small town in Maine is not important, at least, not to the people who matter.
Haaretz is being a bit sensationalist here. There are only several thousand South Sudanese who are eligible for deportation, a small minority of the Africans currently squatting in Tel Aviv. Nor did the violence reach "brutal riot" levels as the photo and language might imply.
Weird, that Knesset member they quoted from the protest/riot is a 46-year-old woman. Ah well, she's "on the wrong side of History" isn't she
by the way, if the asylum-seekers came before 2011 then they aren't technically South Sudanese right? And if they came after I'd assume they're not wanted back...
Kristallnacht anyone?
South Tel Aviv is predominantly sephardi-mizrahi, poorer than north Tel Aviv...
Israel needs to learn how to embrace diversity.
What the West should do is deport all these subversive Jewish organizations in the West pushing for mass migration and send them to Israel.
Starting with the ADL first.
When the Scots-Irish get angry, watch out!
One of the leaders of this demonstration is Likud MK (member of Knesset, Israel's parliament) Danny Danon.
Danon last year proposed sending these Africans to Australia, and discussed it with a Jewish member of the Australian parliament, Michael Danby, to try to implement it:
"Danny Danon: Send African migrants to Australia"
"Likud MK and Australian MP discuss "humane solution" for thousands of 'Muslim infiltrators' in Israel: Send them to live down under."
A bunch of angry jews, damm...
this is hilarious. it's nowhere to be found on the new york times or any other main stream paper.
Holy shit, the image of a bunch of virulent Jews terrorizing poor Africans in their cars is priceless and preposterous.
I think I better go make a bowl of popcorn before I settle down for this thread.
A big bowl of popcorn.
where's the flurry of MSM editorials and articles condeming this 'new aparthied' 'nazi era policies"?
All it takes is a bit of pressure to get them to leave.
The Jews have firebombed a couple of boarding houses where blacks stay.
The rabbis are calling on Jews to rat out their fellow Jews who give blacks shelter.
Jewish elected representatives are calling them by animal names.
The Jews are near completion of the desert wall between Israel and Egypt.
With this last big push by the Jews they can cleanse Israel of Africans pretty quickly.
This should be the last push necessary with the wall in place.
God bless 'em. When Jewish towns are at stake they know how to give it to the goyim good and hard.
This should be a lesson to all of us. Don't listen to what the Jews say. Look at what they do and copy it.
Blacks in Israel are behaving the same way they behave in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and the Caribbean. I read an article where they are practicing their tried and true brand of pack robberies on Israeli beaches and lower income Israelis are having their neighborhoods turned into African ghettos.
Seeing Western (sort of) people defend themselves against African abuse and criminality is inspiring. Imagine putting your own people ahead of alien invaders who reward your kindness with assaults, rapes and robberies.
I'm guessing intellectuals and professional leftists aren't taken seriously in Israel. Good luck to those Israelis and maybe one day we will follow their lead (though it's too late).
Any statement yet from the SPLC?
See quote at end from SPLA-N fighter "... we can chase them back to Asia, where these Arabs come from"
Israelis' hard psychology makes them unattractive. Even women (thinking of this) who would be beautiful by nature's gift, ruin it with their sharpness and hardness.
Another Mediterranean nation is in the news for electing openly anti immigration politicians (Greece, Golden Dawn).
The usual shit-storm of anguish and histrionics ensued from the usual suspects.
Very little mention of this story, strangely enough.
The Guardian says:
A car containing Africans was attacked and shops serving the refugee community were looted. Seventeen people were arrested.
A reporter for the Israeli daily Maariv described it as an "unbridled rampage" and explosion of "pent-up rage".
"Suddenly one of [the protesters] noticed that in one of the cars waiting for traffic to move were two young dark-skinned men, apparently foreign workers. For the hundreds of inflamed and enraged young people, that was all they needed. Within minutes, they dismantled ? there is no other word to describe it ? the car and its passengers. Some of them smashed the windows with their hands and rocks, others kicked the car, bent the plastic parts and tried to attack the people inside. 'I'm not from Sudan, I'm not from Sudan,' the driver tried to tell the assailants, but nobody was listening at that stage."
Didn't we just have the L.A. riots anniversary?
Susan Sontag famously compared another global racial minority to cancer. Any UK Parliamentarian who said what Miri Regev said ("the Sudanese are a cancer in our body") would find himself immediately arrested and placed in jail according to race hate laws (unless, possibly, he said it on the floor of the Commons and invoked parliamentary privilege). All political parties would instantly expel any MP belonging to their faction for making such an outrageously racist remark. Even the BNP would probably throw him out.
Hell, in 1968, Sir Edward Heath, Conservative Party leader of Her Majesty's Opposition, expelled Enoch Powell from his Shadow Cabinet for saying something less offensive than this in his notorious 'river of blood' speech.
Remarkable how little press this is getting. There is no coverage on the front page of Google News, and only 129 related stories when you do a search.
Bookmark/save this story for the next time you're told how evil America was for not taking in more Jewish refugees prior to the Holocaust that we didn't know was going to happen.
It's funny to lok at the press's differing take on riots.
Race riots in Australia, Anglo-Celts vs. Middle Easterners: massive coverage.
Race riots in Israel, Jews vs. Black Sudanese: very little coverage at all.
Rodney King Riots, Watts Riots, 1968 Riots following the MLK Assassination: excusable because the blacks were rioting for 'justice denied.'
Whites, however, are not allowed to riot when we are denied what every free people (of any color) has a right to expect: the defense of our countries from invaders.
"Following the protest, hundreds of people assembled in the main street of the Hatikvah neighborhood. Several protesters smashed the windows of a grocery store that served the migrant workers community, broke the windows of a barber shop and looted it. "
That sounds like Kristallnacht.
Paging Abe Foxman! Paging Abe Foxman! NATIVISTS IN SECTION "I". Report to your office, Abe Foxman!
Ford Foundation Awards ADL $500,000 Grant To Support Research On Anti-Immigrant Groups, Anti-Bias Education
One wonders what J-Pod once of Corner infamy, now at Commentary, and both a Ellis Island immigration lover, a fanatical ethnocentric Jew, and a military/ Isreali hawk, would think? I'm guessing that as with most things, he'd think there was one set of rules for the US, to benefit Jews and another for Israel to benefit Jews.
How strong is the cheap labor lobby in Israel? One would think that their negative experience with cheap palestinian labor would have been enough to put the kibosh on such idiocy, but I guess not.
I guess they decided they weren't going to be a Salvation Army outpost for the world. In this they are very clear-eyed; nip it in the bud now or deal with it as a crisis later.
It's confusing as assumably they have some of the strictest border passage controls in the world due to having so many unfriendly people out there. I guess they have the same types we have here and everywhere else, the cheaper-labor-makes-me-a-bigger-buck-even-though-it-fouls-the nest sort. Perhaps some of the Arab countries facilitate the movement of the Sudanese into the country in hopes of undermining it from within.
A day after pogroms against Gentiles, Israeli Parliament calls for internment camp for African refugees.
Read here.
Same look on their faces as was seen on the Aussies rioting against the Lebanese.
A day after pogroms against Gentiles, Israeli Parliament calls for internment camp for African refugees.
The judeo-nazis are rearing their ugly heads.
Is Netanyahu the new Hitler?
A day after pogroms against Gentiles, Israeli Parliament calls for internment camp for African refugees.
And make no mistake, that was a progrom. Infinitely worse than many of the Russian progroms that made their way into the British press and the history books (and whipped the British public into an anti-Russian outrage), actually.
As others will surely point out, the tribe has different ideas for the Diaspora.
In the NY Post yesterday: "Mayor Bloomberg yesterday suggested that the federal government "deliberately force" large municipalities to take in immigrants."
I'm sure Rahm (in Chicago)is all too eager to comply.
Can you blame the Israelies?
These Sudanese migrants are scum. They don't work. They only steal and rape and take up space. They are a cancer.
It is a bit different than the Mexican situation in the USA. Too bad the WNs hate Jews too much to see the difference.
Governments will listen if people protest loud enough.
Not enough people in European countries will make their voices heard.
Seems more like 'emigration news', the involuntary type.
Bloomberg: Firefighters Lose as Rising Pensions Spur Broken Promises
It has been more than 20 years since Gilbert McLaughlin ran the fire department in Providence, Rhode Island. Yet the former chief stands to be the biggest loser as the capital of the smallest U.S. state flirts with insolvency...
McLaughlin, 75, is the highest paid of Providence?s 3,000 retired workers, collecting a $196,813 pension this year, the result of yearly 6 percent cost-of-living increases the city once bestowed on firefighters and police ... Now retirees such as Gillie, as he is known, won?t see their pay outs double every 12 years...
?No one ever did the math on this,? Paul Doughty, head of the firefighters union, said in an interview in his office above the bar at the Firefighters Memorial Hall in Providence. ?I don?t think anyone had any idea that if Gillie lived to 100, he?d be making $700,000.?
So he hasn't been with the fire department for 20 years, and he is today 75. Do the math on when he apparently retired.
And as you contemplate the numbers, keep in mind that more or less the same happened nearly everywhere.
If it helps, just repeat 'the best and brightest' over and over.
But don't think about social security, medicare, etc due babyboomers in a nation more and more populated with Hispanics who can barely finish HS. You might start to feel bad again.
It is a bit different than the Mexican situation in the USA. Too bad the WNs hate Jews too much to see the difference.
I see. We have an ally in American Jewry, when it comes to blacks, then? Good to know.
(Note the special pleading, btw. Always look for the special pleading.)
Governments will listen if people protest loud enough.
And American Jewry will be in the vanguard of those making sure that doesn't happen. BAMN.
Not enough people in European countries will make their voices heard.
Not if European and American Jewry have anything to say about it.
Israel, on the other hand, well, that's a special case.
" earl said...
Any statement yet from the SPLC?"
That's a good one. ROTFLMAO
Given that this riot happened in South Tel Aviv, most of the rioters were probably poor or lower middle class Mizrahi Jews. Israeli Ashkenazi Jews, who are disproportionately liberal there just as they are in the U.S., were likely barely represented.
Seeing Western (sort of) people defend themselves against African abuse and criminality is inspiring. Imagine putting your own people ahead of alien invaders who reward your kindness with assaults, rapes and robberies.
I'm guessing intellectuals and professional leftists aren't taken seriously in Israel. Good luck to those Israelis and maybe one day we will follow their lead (though it's too late).
I wonder why Israel is so different? Why is Israel almost wholly immune to insane leftism and self destruction? It really makes you wonder why the jewish state is immune to leftist agitation. Can't quite figure it out.
"Can you blame the Israelies?" Do you seriously see any posts here genuinely extolling the virtues of such "immigrants"?
The writing on her shirt reads "Death to the Sudanese".
By popular demand, here is the statement from Abe Foxman.
You have to understand that Israelis are really, really not used to street crime. While other Western nation think of it as something akin to natural forces, Israelis blame the perpetrators.
Haaretz is being a bit sensationalist here. There are only several thousand South Sudanese who are eligible for deportation, a small minority of the Africans currently squatting in Tel Aviv. Nor did the violence reach "brutal riot" levels as the photo and language might imply.
Looks a lot worse than the "Limerick Pogrom." But let's not believe our lying eyes...
That's a good one. ROTFLMAO
Regarding the SPLC, from another perspective it's also interesting, because as I point out in this old comment over on Mangan's blog, the leadership of the SPLC is dominated by Jews.
Svigor:"And make no mistake, that was a progrom. Infinitely worse than many of the Russian progroms that made their way into the British press and the history books (and whipped the British public into an anti-Russian outrage), actually."
What, like the Kishinev pogrom (1903), in which nearly 50 Jews were killed by Russians?That seems slightly more violent than what we are seeing here.
I think that you are just jealous that Jews are the only White people who still have the intestinal fortitude to defend themselves against foreigners.
These Sudanese migrants are scum. They don't work. They only steal and rape and take up space. They are a cancer.
It is a bit different than the Mexican situation in the USA. Too bad the WNs hate Jews too much to see the difference.
What's your evidence here? What's behind this assertion as to the relative crime rates of immigrant Mexican and Sudanese migrants in the USA and Israel?
Well, the creation of Israel had to finally and fundamentally alter Jewry's relationship to the world. They now have their ethno-state necessitating its own crimes and misdemeanors. There is no People more capable of introspection after all; they'll have to come to reason regarding their history with the West and WASPs as they face the same sort of demographic and globalist challenges.
Maybe the enlightenment that has to come with the experience of nationhood will spread to the Jewish elite in the West, who begin to question the wisdom of merely assaulting WASP institutions and demographics in favor of anything alien to it. We sure could use them on our side after all. It'll be great...
Cue Theodorick of York: "Nahhhhhh!"
You have to understand that Israelis are really, really not used to street crime. While other Western nation think of it as something akin to natural forces, Israelis blame the perpetrators.
Now how did Western peoples learn to think of crime as deriving from "natural forces"?
Why is Israel different? Because they can't afford softness. Too many Muslims, inside and outside the country, constantly massacre them. Intellectuals and the like are just as hard-left loony and anti-White as over here. Just over there, whenever they are listened to, rockets pour over into Israel and Israelis get wiped out in Pizza Parlor massacres. Gun ownership and constant carrying is a way of life in Israel, where every one expects a brutal and violent attack intended to kill at any moment.
House Hunters International had a story on HGTV about an Israeli girl looking for an apartment in Tel Aviv. She wound up with the one that had the ... wait for it ... better bomb/rocket shelter. With steel shutters on the windows to reduce flying shrapnel.
And that is the process already happening in the US. CAREFULLY expressed as "zombie threats" and so on, the "Black Intifada" (tm Larry Auster) has produced a lot of self-defense preparations, etc.
Life is very different when it is undeniable that people living quite close to you want to kill you and will do so at the nearest opportunity. That is why Israel is different (Noam Chomsky and most deeply assimilated Jews would rather Israel be annihilated so they could feel morally superior in a thoroughly post-Christian, post-Calvinistic way, a mark of deep and negative assimilation). It is the constant threat of violence and the reality that brings nothing else.
And most of White America is headed towards "American Zionism" as well.
I think that you are just jealous that Jews are the only White people who still have the intestinal fortitude to defend themselves against foreigners.
Anon, maybe in Israel, but would you be willing to admit that Jews in the US, and the West, would be on the side of the foreigners if such a confrontation were to happen here?
"What's your evidence here? What's behind this assertion as to the relative crime rates of immigrant Mexican and Sudanese migrants in the USA and Israel?"
The Color of Crime.
The hypocrisy of Jews is breathtaking. They want and push hard for open door liberalized immigration to all western countries they live in, so they will not stand out so much, while wanting Israel to be a wholly Jewish state for themselves with Jewish only immigration permitted.
Such disgusting hypocrisy. Why do westerners fall for their bull****?
Why is Israel different? Because they can't afford softness.
There's that special pleading again. "Because it's Israel!" Yeah, sure.
Too many Muslims, inside and outside the country, constantly massacre them.
The Muslim Excuse doesn't cover most sub-Saharan Africans, South Americans, North Americans, Chinese, eastern Europeans, Australians, Hindus, etc.
The Muslim Excuse only covers 1 in 4 people worldwide, max, and that's with a wide net. What's the excuse for Israel's racist immigration policy against the other 3 out of 4 people in the world?
Just over there, whenever they are listened to, rockets pour over into Israel and Israelis get wiped out in Pizza Parlor massacres.
Maybe it's Israeli racism that causes the rockets. Sorta like how White racism causes black riots.
But, I digress. Mexicans, Indians, Chinese, Ukrainians, Americans, Canadians, British, Australians, etc., are shooting rockets at Israelis? Links please.
Gun ownership and constant carrying is a way of life in Israel, where every one expects a brutal and violent attack intended to kill at any moment.
Maybe they all carry guns and live in a bunker mentality because they're fascists and racists who respond to love with violence?
House Hunters International had a story on HGTV about an Israeli girl looking for an apartment in Tel Aviv. She wound up with the one that had the ... wait for it ... better bomb/rocket shelter. With steel shutters on the windows to reduce flying shrapnel.
I wonder if House Hunters made her out to be a paranoid fascist.
And that is the process already happening in the US. CAREFULLY expressed as "zombie threats" and so on, the "Black Intifada" (tm Larry Auster) has produced a lot of self-defense preparations, etc.
Apparently, the lesson American Jewry learns from the Israeli experience is to join Team Immigrant and Team Non-White in America.
Life is very different when it is undeniable that people living quite close to you want to kill you and will do so at the nearest opportunity.
Yes, please explain to us why non-Muslim, non-Arab migrant workers in Israel are barred from having sex with Israeli women. Explicate them security issues.
Svigor:"And make no mistake, that was a progrom. Infinitely worse than many of the Russian progroms that made their way into the British press and the history books (and whipped the British public into an anti-Russian outrage), actually."
What, like the Kishinev pogrom (1903), in which nearly 50 Jews were killed by Russians?That seems slightly more violent than what we are seeing here.
No, like the "progroms" highlighted here: [1] [2] [3]
I think that you are just jealous that Jews are the only White people who still have the intestinal fortitude to defend themselves against foreigners.
Of course I envy Jews; they get a pass from their own (very effective) ban on ethno-states for "Whites."
I'll leave it to the gallery to decide if promoting one value for your family, but attacking it as wickedness whenever any other family practices it, is best characterized as "intestinal fortitude." I doubt most Americans would think it is.
Yes, please explain to us why non-Muslim, non-Arab migrant workers in Israel are barred from having sex with Israeli women.
Is this true? Are migrant workers barred from having relations with Israeli women?
House Hunters International had a story on HGTV about an Israeli girl looking for an apartment in Tel Aviv. She wound up with the one that had the ... wait for it ... better bomb/rocket shelter. With steel shutters on the windows to reduce flying shrapnel.
Bruce Kovner, a Jewish hedge fund billionaire, has a Fifth Avenue apartment in New York City with a lead-lined room to protect against a chemical, biological, or dirty bomb attack:
I imagine there are others with something similar in New York and other parts of the US.
>>>Yes, please explain to us why non-Muslim, non-Arab migrant workers in Israel are barred from having sex with Israeli women. Explicate them security issues.
This is a lie, of course.
(Presumably in reference to news reports years ago that an unidentified private company had a no sex with locals contract. Needless to say, no Israeli court has ever upheld such a contract.)
Is this true? Are migrant workers barred from having relations with Israeli women?
There were some articles about it, a few years back. I'm sure someone has a link. I don't know how widespread the practice is, but no, I didn't just make it up.
Hell, it was pretty recently that an Israeli Jewish woman got an Israeli Arab man charged (and convicted, IIRC) with rape for misrepresenting himself as Jewish.
So far, we've got:
The "American Jewry and Israeli Jewry have nothing to do with one another, definitely not bosom buddies" defense.
The "Israel doesn't let non-Muslim, non-Arab peoples immigrate because Israel has security problems with Muslim Arab" defense.
Pretty strong tea there.
I wonder how American Jews would break on their opinions of Israel's treatment of the Pals, vs. the American settler's treatment of the Indians, if subtly surveyed? I mean, the apologia here seem pretty similar to the arguments for the American settlers.
Yes, please explain to us why non-Muslim, non-Arab migrant workers in Israel are barred from having sex with Israeli women. Explicate them security issues.
This is a lie, of course.
Well not so fast. Sexual relations with Gentiles is illegal under Jewish Law. So there is a lot of truth to the statement.
Jewish Law forbids sex with Gentiles.
Svigor:"No, like the "progroms" highlighted here"
Ah, a Slav who reads the OCCIDENTAL OBSERVER and who quotes the Bible. All is now clear.
"Of course I envy Jews; they get a pass from their own (very effective) ban on ethno-states for "Whites.""
And the "Jews" enforce this ban how? With their superhuman intellects?Matchless political prowess?Or, just maybe, there are trends within Gentile Christianity itself that explain it?I mean, I know that it is easy for a Slav to just say that the Satanic Jews are behind everything, but, perhaps on this one occasion, a look into the Gentile roots of Western weakness might be in order?
"you are just jealous that Jews are the only White people who still have the intestinal fortitude to defend themselves against foreigners."
Now let's see, there is plenty of footage and photographs of these rioters, and it's not a huge city, they'd be easy to track down, identify, and prosecute.
I wonder if any of these Jewish rioters full of intestinal fortitude will be arrested, overcharged doubly and trebly, and thrown into prisons filled with Prisoners of Vibrancy to be raped endlessly? And then upon their release, charged once more with "civil rights" violations, and fined and sued into bankruptcy?
Brave defenders of the west indeed. btw, Jews aren't White people. They just play them on TV.
"There is no People more capable of introspection after all"
Why yes. A thousand years of profound introspection and they still believe the exact same things about themselves that they believed, well, a thousand years ago. I hate using the worn out phrase ROTFLMFAO, but, here we go...
And the "Jews" enforce this ban how? With their superhuman intellects?Matchless political prowess?Or, just maybe, there are trends within Gentile Christianity itself that explain it?
Duck and cover! Strawman flying overhead!
No one has said that only jews are responsible. And there are certainly gentiles to blame too.
However if jews were not involved we would expect to find them across the full range of opinion.
So, where are all those vocal jews supporting white America?
"This is a lie, of course."
These Jews are typical. A Jewish state for Jews, immigration and multiculturalism for everyone else. This is news?
Israel also forbids marriage between a Gentile man and a Jewish woman.
"One wonders what J-Pod once of Corner infamy, now at Commentary, and both a Ellis Island immigration lover, a fanatical ethnocentric Jew, and a military/ Isreali hawk, would think?"
Glad you asked the question. JPod hasn't posted at the Commentary blog, SFAIK. The lone post re: the Tel Aviv riots is by Jonathan Tobin. Here's what he has to say:
1) "It is no small irony that a country like the United States that was built by and prospered because of immigration would come to regard the influx of foreigners to our shores as a problem."
Bullshit. At no point past the earliest decades was the labor force in European settlements majority immigrant.
2) "Prime Minister Netanyahu was quick to condemn the tone of the protest as well as members of his own party for behavior that he rightly said ?had no place? in the country."
No mention of Netanyahu's reference to "illegal infiltrators."
3) "That such sentiments were given a public airing will be fodder for Israel haters."
Pointing out that Israel/Israelis are allowed to concern themselves with ethnic integrity while Christian nations ("'Christian nation?' How dare you!") are not makes one an "Israel hater."
4) "But once we condemn the protest, it must be admitted that the idea that tiny Israel should be considered the solution for African poverty is absurd"
Kinda like the idea that tiny America is the solution for global poverty is absurd?
5) And now for the big-ass lie: "There are currently approximately 70,000 illegal African immigrants in Israel, roughly one for every 100 Israelis?Jew and Arab alike. On a proportionate basis, that?s almost three times the number of illegals in the United States. If Americans are upset about 12 million undocumented immigrants in this country, imagine the uproar if the numbers were inflated to that level."
Commentary doesn't do maths. 70k/7,800k ~ 1%. 12m/312m ~ 4%. America's illegal immigrant problem is 4x larger than Israels. That doesn't count our vastly greater number of minority legal immigrants, and doesn't count the anchor baby problem.
6) "Moreover, unlike the bulk of illegal immigration into the United States, the Africans are not merely a function of an economic cycle in which Mexicans and other Central Americans cross the border to fill low-paying jobs such as farm work."
Latin American illegals are not "a function of an economic cycle." The vast majority opted to stay here through the worst recession in decades, as unemployment rates hovered around 10% for years. Moreover, unlike in Israel, illegal aliens here put down permanent roots thanks to our (entirely optional) policy of birthright citizenship.
7) "democratic and prosperous Israel as a haven from suffering that they cannot find anywhere else in the region. It?s also true that unlike the nations they pass through on their way to Israel, the Jewish state has treated newcomers with compassion."
Because you see America is neither prosperous nor democratic, and doesn't treat Salvadorans better than the countries they have to cross through to get here.
8) "Those who are quick to accuse Israel of racism should remember that it went to great trouble and expense to facilitate the mass immigration of tens of thousands of black Jews from Ethiopia in the past generation."
Because America doesn't pay for the privilege of importing tens (hundreds?) of thousands of refugees each and every year. Israel did it one time, for Jews. We do it over and over and over again, year after year after year, for vast quantities of non-white, non-Christian peoples.
9) "Moreover, no matter how immigrant-friendly Israel may be, any nation has the right and the duty to police its borders."
According to the editor and most writers at Commentary, America doesn't.
Keep digging, Commentary.
Israel gets down and out Africans, Singapore gets Chinese who mow down taxis in their Ferraris. Geography.
>>>There were some articles about it, a few years back. I'm sure someone has a link. I don't know how widespread the practice is, but no, I didn't just make it up.
As I said, there was a single supposed (the company or persons involved were never identified) instance of a company imposing a no-sex-with-locals contract. (Incidentally, according to the vaguely-reported story, the contracts prohibited sex with Israelis, not Jews. 20% or so of Israeli citizens are not Jews.)
There is no statute in Israel that prohibits sex between Jews and Gentiles or between Israelis and foreigners, no court in Israel has ever convicted anyone of the crime of having sex with an Israeli or a Jew, and no court has ever upheld (or even been asked to rule upon) a contract that prohibits sex with Jews or Israelis.
So yes, "migrant workers in Israel are barred from having sex with Israeli women" is a lie.
>>>Israel also forbids marriage between a Gentile man and a Jewish woman.
Israel has no civil marriage, which means all marriages are performed by religious authorities. None of those authorities, Jewish, Christian or Muslim, will perform interfaith marriages.
This rule applies equally to marriages between Jewish men and Gentile women, or for that matter to Christian men and Muslim women.
However, marriages intered into outside the country are recognized, regardless of the religion of the parties.
>>>Well not so fast. Sexual relations with Gentiles is illegal under Jewish Law. So there is a lot of truth to the statement.
If by "a lot of truth" you mean no truth at all. There is no law whatsoever in Israel that forbids sex with Gentiles.
p.s. What is the Catholic Church's position on sex with non-Catholics?
>>>Now let's see, there is plenty of footage and photographs of these rioters, and it's not a huge city, they'd be easy to track down, identify, and prosecute.
"Police arrested 17 people during the protest, with some of them detained while beating Sudanese migrants. Those arrested will be brought in before the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court on Thursday for an extension of their remand."
I can see how you might have missed this, it's not like it was in the story linked at the top of the post...oh, wait.
>>>Hell, it was pretty recently that an Israeli Jewish woman got an Israeli Arab man charged (and convicted, IIRC) with rape for misrepresenting himself as Jewish.
Not really. That case was a plea bargain down from a forcible rape charge.
"Following the encounter with Kashur, the victim - identified only as B in the testimony - says she was taken away in an ambulance half naked and bleeding.
However, Lital Grossman - an Israeli journalist who has had access to B's full testimony - said she got very confused and upset at this point.
What is clear from the court record is that the woman was inspected by doctors, who found bruises on her body.
Photograpic evidence of the abuse was presented in court, but prosecutors feared the woman would not be able to give a coherent testimony, given her emotional state.
B had lodged 14 complaints of rape and sexual violence in the past. Most of those resulted in convictions, but in at least one case, she was found an unreliable wit
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