Saturday, May 26, 2012

Video: Children among the dead in Syrian violence

Dozens of people are dead in Syria after the latest wave of violence. NBC?s Richard Engel reports.

>>> want to turn overseas where we're learning of a horrific massacre in syria . government forces unleashed one of the deadliest attacks yet. many of the dead are children. our chief foreign correspondent richard engel has our report and some of these images are quite disturbing.

>> reporter: the scale of a atrocity is only hinted at by this long trench. a mass grave after a massacre that included dozens of children in the syrian town of hula. today, observers went to hula. they were shown a room full of bodies. the u.n. counts 32 dead children and 60 adults, but stopped short of specifically blaming the syrian government.

>> the violence is unacceptable and it's unforgivable. the death of 32 young children, the future of syria .

>> reporter: this video appears to show the moments right before the massacre, during a friday afternoon antigovernment protest. then, smoke in the distance as syrian troops allegedly start shelling the town. after that, witnesses say government backed witnesses swept in and started stabbing and shooting and killing children at close range. this woman, her face covered, says 12 members of her family were executed in her home. tonight, this one month old infant clings to life in hula after her mother was killed along with so many others. the syrian government called the massacre is work of armed terrorist gangs. the syrian opposition clearly doesn't believe it, but wonders if even this will be b enough to move the world to stop the killings. there's growing frustration in syria with a u.n. observers, too. they're accused of being powerless.

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